2020-04-10 站长 站长日志
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /webrootpath/e/tasks/backend_cronjob.php。
把代码传到 /e/tasks/ 下。
适用场景:全战静态化,需要定时刷新。(比如首页有点计量,排行榜这样的数据) 同时适用于,需要在多台服务器上生成内容的情况。
<?php if ( substr (php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) !== 'cli' ) { die ( "forbidden" ); } define( 'DOC_ROOT' , strtr ( __FILE__ , '' , '/' )); define( 'ROOT_PATH' ,dirname(dirname(dirname(DOC_ROOT)))); require (ROOT_PATH. '/e/class/connect.php' ); require (ROOT_PATH. '/e/class/functions.php' ); require (ROOT_PATH. '/e/data/dbcache/class.php' ); //引入栏目缓存文件 require (ROOT_PATH. '/e/class/db_sql.php' ); require (ROOT_PATH. '/e/class/t_functions.php' ); require (ROOT_PATH. '/e/data/dbcache/class.php' ); require (ROOT_PATH. '/e/data/dbcache/MemberLevel.php' ); $link = db_connect(); $empire = new mysqlquery(); //定时刷新任务 function DoTimeRepage(){ global $empire , $dbtbpre ; DoAutoUpAndDownInfo(); //自动上/下线 $dotime =time(); $b =0; $sql = $empire ->query( "select doing,classid,doid from {$dbtbpre}enewsdo where isopen = 1 and lasttime + dotime * 60 < $dotime" ); while ( $r = $empire ->fetch( $sql )) { $b =1; if ( $r [ 'doing' ]==1) //生成栏目 { $cr = explode ( ',' , $r [ 'classid' ]); $count = count ( $cr )-1; for ( $i =1; $i < $count ; $i ++) { if ( empty ( $cr [ $i ])) { continue ; } $cr [ $i ]=(int) $cr [ $i ]; ReListHtml( $cr [ $i ],1); } } elseif ( $r [ 'doing' ]==2) //生成专题 { $cr = explode ( ',' , $r [ 'classid' ]); $count = count ( $cr )-1; for ( $i =1; $i < $count ; $i ++) { if ( empty ( $cr [ $i ])) { continue ; } $cr [ $i ]=(int) $cr [ $i ]; ListHtmlIndex( $cr [ $i ],null,0); } } elseif ( $r [ 'doing' ]==3) //生成自定义列表 { $cr = explode ( ',' , $r [ 'classid' ]); $count = count ( $cr )-1; for ( $i =1; $i < $count ; $i ++) { if ( empty ( $cr [ $i ])) { continue ; } $cr [ $i ]=(int) $cr [ $i ]; $ur = $empire ->fetch1( "select listid,pagetitle,filepath,filetype,totalsql,listsql,maxnum,lencord,listtempid,pagekeywords,pagedescription from {$dbtbpre}enewsuserlist where listid='" . $cr [ $i ]. "'" ); ReUserlist( $ur , "" ); } } elseif ( $r [ 'doing' ]==4) //生成自定义页面 { $cr = explode ( ',' , $r [ 'classid' ]); $count = count ( $cr )-1; for ( $i =1; $i < $count ; $i ++) { if ( empty ( $cr [ $i ])) { continue ; } $cr [ $i ]=(int) $cr [ $i ]; $ur = $empire ->fetch1( "select id,path,pagetext,title,pagetitle,pagekeywords,pagedescription,tempid from {$dbtbpre}enewspage where id='" . $cr [ $i ]. "'" ); ReUserpage( $ur [ 'id' ], $ur [pagetext], $ur [path], $ur [title], $ur [pagetitle], $ur [pagekeywords], $ur [pagedescription], $ur [tempid]); } } elseif ( $r [ 'doing' ]==5) //生成自定义JS { $cr = explode ( ',' , $r [ 'classid' ]); $count = count ( $cr )-1; for ( $i =1; $i < $count ; $i ++) { if ( empty ( $cr [ $i ])) { continue ; } $cr [ $i ]=(int) $cr [ $i ]; $ur = $empire ->fetch1( "select jsid,jsname,jssql,jstempid,jsfilename from {$dbtbpre}enewsuserjs where jsid='" . $cr [ $i ]. "'" ); ReUserjs( $ur , '' ); } } elseif ( $r [ 'doing' ]==6) //生成标题分类页面 { $cr = explode ( ',' , $r [ 'classid' ]); $count = count ( $cr )-1; for ( $i =1; $i < $count ; $i ++) { if ( empty ( $cr [ $i ])) { continue ; } $cr [ $i ]=(int) $cr [ $i ]; ListHtml( $cr [ $i ],null,5); } } else //生成首页 { $indextemp =GetIndextemp(); NewsBq(null, $indextemp ,1,0); } $empire ->query( "update {$dbtbpre}enewsdo set lasttime = $dotime where doid= '$r[doid] '" ); } if ( $b ) { echo "最后执行时间:" . date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" , $dotime ); } } //定时上线/下线 function DoAutoUpAndDownInfo(){ global $empire , $dbtbpre , $class_r , $emod_r , $public_r ; $dotime =time(); $sql = $empire ->query( "select id,classid,infouptime,infodowntime from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfovote where infouptime>0 or infodowntime>0" ); while ( $r = $empire ->fetch( $sql )) { if (! $class_r [ $r [classid]][ 'tbname' ]) { continue ; } //上线 if ( $r [ 'infouptime' ]&& $r [ 'infouptime' ]<= $dotime ) { $infor = $empire ->fetch1( "select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r [ $r [classid]][tbname]. "_check where id='$r[id]' limit 1" ); if (! $infor [ 'id' ]) { continue ; } //签发 if ( $infor [ 'isqf' ]) { $qfr = $empire ->fetch1( "select checktno from {$dbtbpre}enewswfinfo where id='$r[id]' and classid='$r[classid]' limit 1" ); if ( $qfr [ 'checktno' ]!= '100' ) { continue ; } } $empire ->query( "update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r [ $r [classid]][tbname]. "_index set checked=1 where id='$r[id]' limit 1" ); $pubid =ReturnInfoPubid( $r [ 'classid' ], $r [ 'id' ]); $empire ->query( "update {$dbtbpre}enewsinfovote set infouptime=0 where pubid='$pubid' limit 1" ); //互转 MoveCheckInfoData( $class_r [ $r [classid]][tbname],0, $infor [ 'stb' ], "id='$r[id]'" ); AddClassInfos( $r [ 'classid' ], '' , '+1' ); //刷新信息 GetHtml( $infor [ 'classid' ], $infor [ 'id' ], $infor ,1); //刷新列表 ReListHtml( $r [classid],1); } //下线 if ( $r [ 'infodowntime' ]&& $r [ 'infodowntime' ]<= $dotime ) { $mid = $class_r [ $r [classid]][modid]; $tbname = $class_r [ $r [classid]][tbname]; $pf = $emod_r [ $mid ][ 'pagef' ]; $stf = $emod_r [ $mid ][ 'savetxtf' ]; //主表 $infor = $empire ->fetch1( "select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r [ $r [classid]][tbname]. " where id='" . $r [id]. "' limit 1" ); if (! $infor [ 'id' ]) { continue ; } //签发 if ( $infor [ 'isqf' ]) { $qfr = $empire ->fetch1( "select checktno from {$dbtbpre}enewswfinfo where id='$r[id]' and classid='$r[classid]' limit 1" ); if ( $qfr [ 'checktno' ]!= '100' ) { continue ; } } //分页字段 if ( $pf ) { if ( strstr ( $emod_r [ $mid ][ 'tbdataf' ], ',' . $pf . ',' )) { $finfor = $empire ->fetch1( "select " . $pf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_data_" . $infor [stb]. " where id='$r[id]' limit 1" ); $infor [ $pf ]= $finfor [ $pf ]; } if ( $stf && $stf == $pf ) //存放文本 { $infor [ $pf ]=GetTxtFieldText( $infor [ $pf ]); } } DelNewsFile( $infor [filename], $infor [newspath], $infor [classid], $infor [ $pf ], $infor [groupid]); $empire ->query( "update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r [ $r [classid]][tbname]. "_index set checked=0,havehtml=0 where id='$r[id]' limit 1" ); $pubid =ReturnInfoPubid( $r [ 'classid' ], $r [ 'id' ]); $empire ->query( "update {$dbtbpre}enewsinfovote set infodowntime=0 where pubid='$pubid' limit 1" ); //互转 MoveCheckInfoData( $class_r [ $r [classid]][tbname],1, $infor [ 'stb' ], "id='$r[id]'" ); AddClassInfos( $r [ 'classid' ], '' , '-1' ); //刷新列表 ReListHtml( $r [classid],1); } } } DoTimeRepage(); db_close(); $empire =null; |